
undressed-undressed 翻譯


undressed 英#652n#712drest美#652n#712dr#603stadj已脫掉衣物的undressed,裸露的v脫衣服 undress的過去式和過去分詞 例句1I#39ll get undressed nowis that all right?undressed我現在就脫衣服了。

undressed-undressed 翻譯

1這首歌的歌名叫Undress Rehearsal,主唱是Timeflies,這首歌收藏在專輯Just For Fun中,發(fā)行時間為2015年09月18日,發(fā)行公司是環(huán)球唱片,這首歌是快手上較火的歌曲之一2Undress Rehearsal歌詞如下Ooh。

undress的意思是給脫衣服 除去的覆蓋物 使卸去裝飾 除去傷口等的敷料 暴露,揭露雙語例句1She undressed and put her wet clothes in a neat pile in the corner 她脫掉衣服,把濕衣服整齊地。

歌曲名Undressed 歌手Kim Cesarion 專輯Undressed Undressed Kim Cesarion I feel hazy Why is everything black and white?I feel dizzy Like my f*cking head is full of dynamite Jump in my Mercedes But it。

dress英 dres 美 dr#603sn衣服禮服連衣裙裝飾 vt vi打扮穿著給穿衣 adj連衣裙的須穿禮服的適合于正式場合的辦公時或半正式場合穿戴的 vt給穿衣給提供衣服裝潢,裝飾或裝點。

So let#39s get undressed 所以,讓我們退去外衣 Cause I wanna see you naked 因為我想看到你的內心 It was just another Friday night 那是另一個星期五晚上 Then I saw you it was stupid I got stupefied 我被你。

脫下衣服的英文Take off your clothesclothes 讀法 英 kl#594θ 美 kl#596θ1作名詞的意思是衣服,衣物寢具2作動詞的意思穿衣 clothe的第三人稱單數給提供衣服用語言表達。

寬衣解帶 Women He’s Undressed百度網盤高清資源免費在線觀看 鏈接提取碼2dbn 導演 吉莉安·阿姆斯特朗 編劇 Katherine Thomson 主演 簡·方達安·羅斯凱瑟琳·馬丁萊納德·馬爾廷戴博拉·納杜爾曼邁克爾。

quotUndressedquot 1999是個新人,作品不是很多 Brandon Routh全名為Brandon James Routh 出生日期 1979年10月9日 出 生 地Des Moines, Iowa, USA 身高6#39 3quot 191 m在出生地附近Iowa州的Norwalk鎮(zhèn)長大。

Get undressed, tataste the flesh 一絲不掛,只為品嘗彼此 Bite into me harder, sink your teeth into my flesh 咬地再用力一點,讓我們血肉交融 Pass the test, tataste the flesh 經歷考驗,抵死纏綿 Hold me。


Every time that you get undressed 每次你沒穿衣服的時候 I hear symphonies in my head 腦海里浮現一出交響樂 I wrote this song just looking at you oh, oh 只是看著你寫下這首歌哦哦 Yet the drums they swing。

Had sex, undressed saw her boobies and the rest我做愛了,看見女朋友的胸部和剩下的全部 Was sure nice of her to let you do that thing你女朋友對你真好,還肯跟你做愛 Nice of any girl ever now sing。

他說 I didn#39t even answer him I just threw the pieces in the wastebasket Then I lay down on my bed, and we both didn#39t say anything for a long time He got all undressed, down to his shorts, and I。

浴室翻譯為英文Shower Room 罐子爆炸了,不但炸毀了廚房和浴室,還把窗戶炸飛了The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows他在浴室里脫了衣服He got undressed in the bathroom。

i#39ve been undressed by kings and i#39ve seen some things that a woman ain#39t supposed to see,hey lady i#39ve been to paradise but i #39ve never been to me sometimes i#39ve been to cryin#39for unborn。

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