





1.You make me sick!你真讓我惡心透了!  

2.What's wrong with you?/What's your problem? 你怎么回事? 

3.I'm very disappointed. 我太失望了?! ?/p>

4.Don't talk to me like that!別那樣和我說話!  

5.Are you insane/crazy/out of you mind?你瘋了嗎?  

6.Don't bother me. 少煩我?! ?/p>

7.Knock it off. 別跟我來這套?! ?/p>

8.Get out of my face. 快從我眼前消失!  

9.Who do you think you are?你以為你是哪根蔥?  

10.Leave me alone. 走開別煩我!  

11.Take a hike!一邊玩蛋去!  

12.You piss me off. 氣死爹了?! ?/p>

13.It's none of your business. 不關(guān)你的事!  

14.Mind your own business!先管好你自己的事吧!  

15.How dare you!你好大的膽子!  

16.You stupid jerk!你這蛇精病!  

17.You chicken! 你這膽小鬼!  

18.Cut it out. 省省吧?! ?/p>

19.You have a lot of nerve. 你臉皮可真厚?! ?/p>

20.I've had enough of your garbage. 我聽膩了

1、shame on you 你真無恥

2、you make me sick 你真讓我惡心

3、who the hell do you think you are 你以為你是誰

4、you deserved it 你活該

5、just cut the crap 噓,別放屁了

6、it's just a privilege to watch your mind at work 能看到你的大腦在工作,真是個榮幸

7、are you insane 瘋了嗎

8、nonsense 胡說八道

9、watch your language 注意你的言辭

10、who do you think you're talking to 你以為你跟誰說話呢

11、don't give me your attitude 別給我擺架子

12、leave me alone 離我遠點

13、knock it off 住嘴吧

14、dont't waste my time anymore 別再浪費我的時間了

15、stop talking, you lower the IQ of the whole street 別再說了,你拉低了整條街的智商


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