
go ahead-go ahead什么意思


大家好,今天小編關(guān)注到一個(gè)比較有意思的話題,就是關(guān)于go ahead的翻譯問(wèn)題,于是小編就整理了2個(gè)相關(guān)介紹go ahead的解答,讓我們一起看看吧。

go ahead-go ahead什么意思

是什么意思Just go ahead?

人家問(wèn)你是否可以怎樣時(shí) 你回答Just go ahead ,意思是沒(méi)關(guān)系 盡管做吧當(dāng)你說(shuō)話的對(duì)象做事情時(shí)猶豫不決 你說(shuō)Just go ahead,意思是快去做,有不耐煩的情緒當(dāng)你說(shuō)Just go ahead 也可以是鼓勵(lì)別人做某件事情 意思是 就去做吧!

go over one's head造句?

1.Into my regional office and go over my head! 搬進(jìn)我的辦公室里邊騎在我頭上!

2.Can't hear you! The dress is over my head! 聽(tīng)不到你說(shuō)話!衣服已經(jīng)套到我頭上了!

3.These parents will go over the teacher’s head if they do not get what they want from them,

到此,以上就是小編對(duì)于go ahead的翻譯問(wèn)題就介紹到這了,希望介紹關(guān)于go ahead的2點(diǎn)解答對(duì)大家有用。

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