大家好,今天小編關(guān)注到一個比較有意思的話題,就是關(guān)于marry the night的翻譯問題,于是小編就整理了3個相關(guān)介紹marry the night的解答,讓我們一起看看吧。
marry the night(其實應(yīng)該不算)
1、dance in the dark
2、glitter and grease
3、just dance
5、the fame
7、boys boys boys
8、money honey
9、telephone10、speechless11、yoü and I12、so happy I could die13、monster14、teeth15、Alejandro16、poker face17、paparazzi18、bad romance19、born this way
Last night I told ya I loved ya
Woke up blamed it on the Vodka
I genuinely thought I was dying
And I could see that smile you were hiding
Last night I told ya I need ya
That's the last time I drink tequila
Super lemon and his psychic sulking
I start crying and verbally assaulting
Last night I asked you to marry me
That's when I remembered the brandy
I wake up and claim I didn't say it
Screwed if I ever wake up in Vegas
Wish I could stop and I'm not joking
marry you原唱?
marry you這首歌曲的原唱是美國歌手Bruno Mars.國人稱呼他為火星哥。他唱功非常了得,火遍全球的歌曲也非常多,marry you這首歌曲是情歌,經(jīng)常被拿來做婚禮歌曲播放,也很受粉絲的喜歡。Bruno Mars的大火的歌曲實在太多了,因此每首歌都有被人翻唱過,包括這首歌曲marry you.
到此,以上就是小編對于marry the night的翻譯問題就介紹到這了,希望介紹關(guān)于marry the night的3點解答對大家有用。