大家好,今天小編關(guān)注到一個(gè)比較有意思的話(huà)題,就是關(guān)于honeymoon baby的翻譯問(wèn)題,于是小編就整理了1個(gè)相關(guān)介紹honeymoon baby的解答,讓我們一起看看吧。
1. you are well matched 你們很般配2. the bride and the groom are well suited 新娘和新郎很般配 3. congratulations on your good marriage . 恭喜你們喜結(jié)良緣! 4. I wish you a long life together 祝你們百年好合 5. may you have a lovely baby 愿你們?cè)缟F子 6. I wish you have a wonderful honeymoon 希望你們蜜月愉快 7. your bride is really beautiful 你的新娘真漂亮 8. may you be happy 祝你們幸福 9. I wish you two a happy and long married life. 祝你們婚姻幸福白頭偕老 10. you are made for each other 你們是天生的一對(duì) 11. it is a wonderful wedding ceremony 結(jié)婚典禮舉辦的很精彩!12. it is really a beautiful wedding 真是一場(chǎng)漂亮的婚禮!
到此,以上就是小編對(duì)于honeymoon baby的翻譯問(wèn)題就介紹到這了,希望介紹關(guān)于honeymoon baby的1點(diǎn)解答對(duì)大家有用。