大家好,今天小編關(guān)注到一個比較有意思的話題,就是關(guān)于keep up with的翻譯問題,于是小編就整理了4個相關(guān)介紹keep up with的解答,讓我們一起看看吧。
Keep up with.意思是跟上,不落后于。與誰誰保持一致。
Keep touch with.意思是和誰誰保持聯(lián)系?
例如。 I kept up with Lucy.意思是我要跟上Lucy。
I always keep touch with Lucy.意思是我一直和Lucy保持聯(lián)系。記住兩個短語的意思,就不會用錯了。
keep up with和catch up with有區(qū)別嗎?
keep up with的意思是跟上;不落人之后;對…消息靈通;保持接觸;例如:It is difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change. catch up with的意思是趕上;捕獲;擒獲;捉拿到(犯錯者);和…算舊賬;使…最終嘗到苦果。例如:Most late developers will catch up with their friends.
follow 和 keep up with 的區(qū)別?
follow ,v.跟隨;跟著;(指時間或順序)在…后發(fā)生,因…而發(fā)生;在…后做; n.,跟隨;(撞球)跟球;添菜;
例句,He followed her into the house.
詞組,follow through
follow up,在…后做(或說)
而,keep up with,跟上;不落人之后;對…消息靈通;保持接觸;
例如,It is difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change.跟上迅速的變化是很困難的。
keep up with與catch up with的用法與區(qū)別?
"keep up with"和"catch up with"是兩個常用的短語,它們在用法和含義上有一些區(qū)別。
1. "keep up with":表示跟上,保持與某人或某事物的同步或同步進行。它可以用于描述保持步伐、保持進展或保持與時代的同步等。
- "I struggle to keep up with the latest technology trends."
- "She walks so fast, it's hard to keep up with her."
2. "catch up with":表示迎頭趕上,追趕某人或某事物,以達到與其同等水平或狀態(tài)。它可以用于描述追趕進度、追趕知識或追趕朋友等。
- "I need to catch up with my work after being on vacation."
- "I haven't seen him in years, I should catch up with him soon."
總體而言,"keep up with"強調(diào)保持同步,而"catch up with"則強調(diào)迎頭趕上。具體使用哪個短語取決于語境和所表達的意思。
到此,以上就是小編對于keep up with的翻譯問題就介紹到這了,希望介紹關(guān)于keep up with的4點解答對大家有用。