2、Beauty needs your help,as a gentleman you must unconditionally agree翻譯成中文是美女需要unconditionally你的幫助,作為一名紳士你必須無條件地同意相關單詞學習beauty 英#712bjuti 美#712bjutin 美人。
3、When father graduated from University, he unconditionally obeys the distribution of the motherland and came to a middle school teacher in the mountain area在這四面楚歌里,憑你怎樣伶牙俐齒,也只得服從了In this。
4、Oh I really love you,unconditionally 其實unconditionally我毫無保留地愛你 No it#39s not hard for me to love you ,Hard for me to love you 不,我來愛你,這并不困難并不困難 No it#39s not a difficult thing,這不是一件。
5、And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with himE愛德華貝拉,現在你就是我的生命了 Edward Bella, you are my life nowF貝拉我夢想永遠和你在一起 Bella I dream about being with。
6、翻譯是accept that Bank of America will issue letters of Credit, subject to the terms and conditions of all LC applications submitted to you by B Company LTD and future amendments thereof We fully agree。
7、but if there#39s one thing we agreed on unconditionally,It was our love and commitment to our son jackHaley#39s love for jack was joyous and fierceThat fierceness is why she isn#39t here todayA mother#39s。