Fet about the Price Tag 忘掉那些身價牌 Ain#39t about the uh KaChing KaChing 這與金錢鈔票無關(guān)KaChing 象聲詞pircetag,模仿是收款機打開時的聲音Ain#39t about the yeah BaBling BaBling 這與金銀珠寶無關(guān) W。
Forget about the Price Tag Ain#39t about the ha KaChing KaChingAint about the yeah BaBling BaBling Wanna make the world dancepircetag,F(xiàn)orget about the Price TagWe need to take it back in timepircetag,When。
Price Tag,節(jié)奏感強曲調(diào)明快的節(jié)奏藍調(diào)風(fēng)格,瞬間帶來輕松歡樂情緒減壓的正能量,各種假音真假轉(zhuǎn)音高音等在耳邊猶如行云流水般滑行,有種百聽不厭其煩的上癮快感 歌曲原唱是Jessie J ,與美國當紅新人。
Price Tag身價牌~里面這句大意是講~“pircetag你看看你左右這些人”,大家都很盡興,你干嘛還不放下身價,及時行樂呢。