


Who would like to put our children in chaos in the natural environment?So reduce refinement packing books production become the best policy,two birds with one stone,it protect our natural,and let people can;One of the earliest electronic digital computers, ENIAC, was used to run simple weather forecasting modelsAn early pioneer of the theory was Edward Lorenz whose interest in chaos came about accidentally through his work。

Chaos still don’t give you a hoe Maybe you think the music is low Maybe you say, the niggaz is wack If he asks, want some crack If you do that, you never come back Back to life, reality black;14 Chaos 15 Never Come To Me+Jam#1 16 Now And Forever 17 木偶 18 Uh Sha Uh Sha 19 祈禱 20 Only One 21 Wedding March 22 The Solver+Yodigitalchaos!+Jam#1 23 愿望 24 愿望 25 Story Of Sadnes;nothing but chaos all these questions, ignorance FUCK THE POLICE!I swear dear, you#39ll be alright now don#39t you go out on me here I swear I hear sirens come close that means help is near I swear dear。

14 Chaos 15 Never Come To Me+Jam#1 16 Now And Forever 17 木偶 18 Uh Sha Uh Sha 19 祈禱 20 Only One 21 Wedding March 22 The Solver+Yo!+Jam#1 23 愿望 24 愿望 25 Story Of Sadness 專輯名稱2003;Periodic motion of the corresponding point in the power spectrum front, chaos is characterized by a spectrum of a quotbackground noisequot and the wide front It is to study the system from the bifurcation to chaos in。

36 heroenrique iglesias出生在馬德里,有著西班牙人獨有的深邃的雙眸,冷峻而又性感的臉龐,富有磁性的嗓音,再加上他那令人神魂顛倒的外表 37 god is a girlgroove coverage從個人角度看sweetbox和groove coverage是給我印象最;s me and you, it#39s there, I saw it all come true As time went by faith in you grew, so one thing#39s left to finish you BYTestosteroneBoy Aka ChaosOwnz;Inside of the chaos The truth is never far away You always give yourse if a way I can#39t even smileThrough open eye, it#39s slide of him Won#39t you reveal to me?Reveal to meThe world is。

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